Powur Vision is a platform that allows a Consultant to generate state of the art and beautiful solar install proposals that convert leads into signed install contracts. It integrates with Powur.com, Powur OS/other Powur products (Rules, Incentives, Installer View, etc), and 3rd party vendors (GoodLeap, Docusign/HelloSign/PandaDoc) to bring together the necessary assets along with an intuitive user interface to make the process as simple as possible. Powur Vision also implements Machine Learning and industry standard solar analysis tools to assist in array placement and create accurate production forecasting.
Following are some links you may find useful
Graphql Playground
This will allow you to test graphql queries
Swagger Dos
This will allow you to test the REST API
This will allow you to log in via the environment specific idp
Create Proposal
This will allow you to create a proposal for development
External API Metrics
This will allow you to view the metrics across environments for external API usage
TPO Pricing Worksheet
Configure quickly and easily based on minimal equipment and adder inputs.